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If you have a desire to work with a young person, please consider becoming a mentor.

A few hours each month can change a life!


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Part of our State Mentoring Coalition

Mentoring Partnership VIPS

Volunteers In Public Schools

Youth bagging sand for a recent flood

If you would like to become a mentor or want additional information,

please click on the link below to contact Karen Spears.


Significant progress has been made! Community mentoring coalitions have successfully launched in El Dorado, Texarkana, and Arkadelphia, which are now fully functional and self-sustaining. To date, 425 individuals have been enlisted and trained as mentors from 2017-2019.


The Statewide Mentoring Coalition now includes 12 organizations meeting quarterly to lay groundwork for a Statewide Mentoring Alliance. This Alliance will oversee development of standard policies, procedures, best practices, resources, and training for mentoring programs, and will assist in developing new coalitions. At present we are waiting on the Governor's office to provide funding for us to hire a full-time State Mentoring Coordinator. Once we have acquired these funds, we can proceed with implementing our strategic plan.


A relationship is being developed with Job Corps to oversee mentoring to young adults between the ages of 17 and 24. A weekly opportunity to give back to the community will be part of their service time. Students learn lessons on working with those in need and how the corporate world donates their products and funding to positively impact solutions toward ending the cycle of poverty.


Our mission is quite simple. "Feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and take care of widows and orphans." We are a mission set in the middle of Shannon Hills, Arkansas, dedicated to our community, our volunteers, and to our God.




Physical Address: 14036 Sardis Road, Shannon Hills, AR 72103


Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30550, Little Rock, AR 72260

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